This Perl module extends the AnyEvent::MP API with a thread-like/erlang-style API.
This module implements a thread-like API to AnyEvent::MP that is closer to Erlang than the event-based AnyEvent::MP API. It integrates well into AnyEvent::MP. See the AnyEvent::MP module and tutorial for info about the concepts used in AnyEvent::MP.
CPAN | File Releases (CPAN) |
CVS | Browsable CVS module 'Coro-MP' |
CVS | Anonymous CVS: cvs -z3 -d co Coro-MP |
METACPAN | MetaCPAN page |
LIST | Mailing List 'anyevent' |
IRC | Server, channel #schmorpforge, user schmorp (say hi and wait a few minutes or hours, or /msg schmorp directly)) |
POD | Main Manual Page |
FILE | Changes |